Piccolo and Saxo > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Piccolo and Saxo





프랑스 | 2006 | 80min | 35mm | COLOR | Animation | Musical


On the planet Music, the sudden disappearance of Treble, Bass and Alto keys causes distress. As chaos breaks out among the agitated instruments, each instrument plays solo with nobody listening to the grand orchestra. Piccolo, a woodwind, and his best friend Saxo, a brass instrument, decide to search for the missing keys and set out a journey with Do. The friends are unaware of an evil doctor''s plot to make the ideal instrument. Can they succeed in their mission for the perfect harmony? 3D animated film < Piccolo and Saxo> is based on the best-selling musical children''s story and helps familiarize children with music through the use of anthropomorphized instruments. Director Marco Villamizar, who switched to 3D after training as a graphic designer, has built his reputation on several innovative 3D commercial works. After making his first short animation < Ici> and working on < Piccolo and Sax> since 2003, he finally made his feature debut in 2006. An animation made for all generations that also serves as an entertaining educational music primer for children.


마르코 빌라미자르

1966년 콜롬비아 보고타에서 프랑스와 콜롬비아 부모 사이에 태어난 마르코 빌라미자르 감독은 디자인을 전공하다가 3D 애니메이션으로 방향을 바꾸어 활동했다. 1999년 'Festival Imagina 2000'에 초청된 단편 애니메이션 <여기>를 시작으로 페리에, 푸조, 라코스테, 뒤카티 등 상업 광고의 3D를 담당하기도 했고, 2006년에는 <개미집의 비밀>이라는 단편을 만들었다. 2003년부터 준비한 <피콜로와 색소폰>으로 장편 데뷔를 했다.