A Tale of Legendary Libido > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

A Tale of Legendary Libido





한국 | 2008 | 120min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


The Tale of Legendary Libido, at least for the local audience, is likely to be disregarded as a music film as it may be overshadowed by its predecessors such as the Byeon Gang-swoi trilogy and Garujigi that were popular iconic Korean erotic period pieces during the 80s with strong sexual content matter. However, it is worth noting again that these films are rooted in the traditional Korean opera, Pansori number called Garujigi Taryeong that tells the tale of two legendary figures of enormous sexual capacity: Byeon Gang-swoi and Ongnyo. The latest version of this tale pays homage to the 80s’erotic period pieces that have been out of the scene for a while, while also presenting itself as an interesting adaptation of Pansori. Bullied by people for his sexual impotence, young Gang-swoi happens to acquire sexual energy that goes beyond imagination. This new ability enables Gang-swoi to become the village sex icon. But what sets this film apart from early versions in which only Gangswoi’s sexual charisma stands out, this film explores his juvenile sensitivity as well as his love towards one woman. The trademark exaggeration and surreal depiction of Gang-swoi’s stamina and sexuality will make one burst into uncontrollable laughter, but in addition, it is delightful to watch the female chorus and dance routines showing a modern twist of traditional music forms of Pansori and Korean folk art. (Hwang Hei-rim) ​​


  • 신한솔
    • 신한솔
    • 1973년생. 한국영화아카데미 16기 출신인 신한솔 감독은 1998년 단편<뺑도나스>로 금관단편영화제에서 장려상을 수상하였고 <솜사탕>, <염소가족>은 국내를 비롯하여 세계 유명 영화제에 초청되어 주목을 받았다. 2006년 장편 데뷔작 <싸움의 기술>로 감각적인 연출력을 인정받았으며 <가루지기>는 그의 두 번째 장편 영화다.