Rain & Rain > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Rain & Rain





한국 | 2010 | 97min | HD | COLOR | Drama


Soo-hyeon’s unknown band ‘Rain & Rain’ performs for an opening stage of the popular girl band ‘N Girls’ concert. Ji-eun, the member of N Girls, is attracted to Soo-hyeon by his singing talent. They fall in love with each other but Ji-eun’s mother is against their marriage. Eventually, they start to live together and they are happy with each other despite of their struggling life. Inspired by a hit song of Korean underground singer Kim Hyun-sik, Rain & Rain is the last work by director Kim Nam-kyung, who made music videos for popular singers including Fin.KL, Kim Gun-mo, YB. Although the plot itself is nothing more than a typical melodrama, several singers’ – Bobby Kim, Yim Jae-beum, Lee Un-mi, etc. – contribute the soundtrack to make the film remarkable at its musical level. The director passed away in the editing process of this feature debut.


  • 김남경
    • 김남경
    • 1964년 제천에서 출생한 김남경 감독은 한양대학교 연극영화과를 졸업했다. 1998년 김원준의 뮤직비디오 <가까이>를 시작으로 핑클의 <루비>, <내 남자친구에게>(1998), 윤도현의 <사랑할거야>(2003), 박혜경의 <안녕>(2004) 등 다수의 뮤직비디오를 연출했으며, 2002년 제17회 골든디스크 시상식 뮤직비디오부문 감독상을 수상한 바있다. <비처럼 음악처럼>은 그의 장편데뷔작이자 유작이 되었다.