Girl Prince > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Girl Prince





한국 | 2011 | 81min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


The Korea Women’s National Musical, ‘Female Gukgeuk’ made by Korean traditional narrative song, dancing, and acting that presented by women in male roles, sets fire to hearts of many girls and is overwhelming in the 1950~60s. Some girls attend the musicals by stealing parents’ jewelry and lied about it; others throw aside the studying, and crisscross all over the country. But today, why has it disappeared in the history without even one person who has remembered? What has been happened to the girls who went off at that time? Girl Prince looks back at the traces of Female Gukgeuk which have not been recorded down in history.


  • 김혜정
    • 김혜정
    • 1976년생. 2007년 미디액트 초보비디오프로젝트와 독립극영화제작 과정을 수료하면서 영상 작업을 시작했다. 대학 때부터 여성주의 문화를 함께 고민하던 이들과 [문화기획집단 영희야 놀자]를 만들었고, 2008년부터 연출한 <왕자가 된 소녀들>이 첫 장편 작품이다.