Fantastic Modern Gayagumer > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Fantastic Modern Gayagumer





한국 | 2011 | 83min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


14 nights and 15 days, total 23 performances, overall 2,075km distance. Jung Mina called herself a modern gayagumer is known as the first gayageum singer-songwriter. Working as a phone counselor during the day time and she kept performing on club stages at night so to satisfy her passion toward music. Meanwhile, her first album [Sangsa Mong] has been sold more than 10,000 copies, and she started to draw the public’s attention. In 2009, she decided to leave a busking tour for 15 days to get more inspiration for her 2nd album. Now you will be completely enchanted by the beautiful gayageum performance.


  • 최승호
    • 최승호
    • 서강대 법학과 졸업, 동국대 일반대학원 영화과 수료. 2007년 영화진흥위원회 HD영화제작 지원사업 당선작인 <헬로우 마이 러브>를 기획, 제작했다. <환타스틱 모던가야그머>는 처음으로 연출한 장편 다큐멘터리다.