The Maiden Who Went to the City > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Maiden Who Went to the City





한국 | 1981 | 103min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Lee Mun-hi works as a bus conductor. She is tormented by the fact that she is subject to body searches, but tries to treat her co-workers nicely and live an honest life. She is kind to people who are less fortunate than her and falls in love with Kwang-seok, a traveling salesman. She helps Kwang-seok become a crewman of the ship and promises to marry him. When she is subjected to another body search, she protests against the humiliation and jumps from the roof of her company building. She is critically injured and is embraced by Kwang-seok.


  • 김수용
    • 김수용
    • 1929년 경기도 안성 출생. 1958년 <공처가>로 감독 데뷔한 이래, <저 하늘에도 슬픔이>(1965), <갯마을>(1965), <안개> (1967), <만추>(1981), <도시로 간 처녀>(1981) 등 40여년 동안 100편이 넘는 작품들을 내놓았다. 대한민국예술원 회원이며, 청주대학교 연극영화과 교수와 영상물등급위원회 위원장을 역임한 바 있다.