Glastonbury > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






| 2006 | 133min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary


In 1970, young farmer Michael Eavis opened his farm spread over 150 acres for folk singers and 1,500 audiences so each of them can watch the performances for 1 pound during the weekend. This is the birth of the famous Glastonbury Music Festival. The next year, hippies collected money to support the event and as many as 12,500 people gathered there to watch Joan Baez and David Bowie. Later on, the Glastonbury Festival was gradually established as the best rock festival for over 30 years. Julien Temple spent a long time for preparation to present his ability with the chronicle of the rock festival.


  • 줄리언 템플
    • 줄리언 템플
    • 1953년생. 영국의 극영화, 다큐멘터리, 뮤직비디오 감독이다. 섹스 피스톨즈에 관한 영화로 감독 데뷔한 이후, 여러 편의 후속작을 만들어왔다. 섹스 피스톨즈에 대한 또 하나의 영화 <섹스 피스톨즈의 전설>(1999)은 선댄스영화제와 2000 베를린영화제에서 상영되었다.