Finn > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






| 2013 | 90min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


The 9-year-old Finn lives with his father in the countryside. He plays football with his best friend, Erik. Finn would like to make music, but his father wants him to play football, just like all the other boys. Finn doesn’t understand why, but his father refuses to talk about it. Near an abandoned farm, Finn meets an old man who plays the violin so beautifully and Finn is enchanted by him immediately. While his father thinks he is playing football, Finn is secretly going to the farm to practice. His best friend Erik thinks he’s mad. Is Finn the only one who can see how enchanting music can be? Or is something else going on?


  • 프란스 바이스
    • 프란스 바이스
    • 프란스 바이즈는 연극을 전공하다가 자퇴하고 암스테르담 영화아카데미에 입학했다. 이후 로마에 있는 이탈리아 국립영화학교에서 장학금을 받으며 공부했고, <샤를로트>(1981), <레이드베르마크>(1989), <머릿속 폭풍>(2001), <에큐리 소년>(2003)과 <해피 엔드>(2009) 등의 장편 영화를 연출했다.