Waltz for Monica > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Waltz for Monica





| 2013 | 111min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


Monica, a young rebellious girl, leaves her small town in Sweden to become a singer. Beautiful and attractive, she makes a successful debut in Stockholm and enjoys her fancy life as a jazz singer in the golden era of jazz. However, the more famous she is, the more she starts to face gloomy reality hidden behind glamorous success. Her life starts to get unstable, and she starts to rely on alcohol from day to day. One day, she finds herself lying on the ground after an overdose of sleeping pills. Will she ever go back to her normal life? Waltz for Monica is a film based on a true story of Monica Zetterlund, a legendary jazz vocalist in 1960s Sweden. Edda Magnason, a singer, pianist and composer acts for the first time in her life, and wonderfully plays her part as Monica.


  • 페르 플뤼
    • 페르 플뤼
    • 페르 플뤼 감독은 덴마크의 중, 하류층과 상류층의 이야기를 그린 3부작의 첫 작품 <벤치> (2000)로 데뷔하며 덴마크 최고 감독에게 주어지는 보딜 상과 로버트 상을 수상했다. 덴마크 상류층 이야기를 다룬 속편 <상속>(2003)은 덴마크 영화계에서 최다 관객을 동원했고, 세 번째 작품 <살인>(2005)으로 또다시 보딜 상과 로버트 상을 받았다.