Tubular Bells: The Mike Oldfield Story > 영문_2015_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Tubular Bells: The Mike Oldfield Story





| 2014 | 60min | Blu-ray | COLOR | Documentary | Rock


40 years ago an album was released that against all odds and expectations went to the top of the UK album charts. The fact the album became the biggest selling instrumental album of all time and was performed almost single handedly by a 19 year old makes the story all the more incredible. That album was [Tubular Bells], the young and painfully shy musician was one Mike Oldfield..


  • 매트 오케이시
    • 매트 오케이시
    • 에미상 후보에 올랐던 감독인 매트 오케이시는 30년 동안 밴드에서 연주했고 20년간 음악 다큐멘터리를 만들었다. 대표작으로 비치 보이즈를 다룬 (2004), 블론디를 다룬 (2006), 플리트우드 맥을 다룬 (2009), <퀸, 우리의 나날들>(2011)이 있다.​