Magical Mystery – or: The Return of Karl Schmidt > 영문_2018_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Magical Mystery – or: The Return of Karl Schmidt





Germany | 2017 | Korean | 111min | DCP | Color | Drama | EDM


Hamburg 1994, Charlie is now living in drug-free-housing in Hamburg Altona after a breakdown back in 1989. While he is trying to live a stable life, his friends back in Berlin are getting rich with techno music. To bring techno to all of Germany they need someone to go on tour with them. Someone who is always sober - Charlie. He is supposed to drive them from club to club, from wheelchair-disco to the Mayday rave. The trip takes them to the party peaks of the 90s, and unleashes an energy that can destroy but also heal through sheer joy.


  • 아르네 펠트후센
    • 아르네 펠트후센
    • 아르네 펠트후센은 2015년 바바리안 필름 어워드에서 수상한 장편 <슈트롬베르크>로 널리 알려져 있다. 독일 희곡작가 잉그리트 라우순트와 함께 만든 실험적인 쇼 [범죄현장 청소부]로 그림메 상을 수상했다. ​