RAPSORI > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






Korea | 2019 | World | 68min | DCP | Color | Documentary

Program Note

In general, Jeolla-do has been regarded as the home of pansori in Korea, but mastersingers such as Lee Dong-baek and Kim Chang-ryong were also known in Seocheon, Chungcheong-do in the early 20th century. Rapsori, adopting the form of fiction film, portrays the Korean traditional opera members and villagers proud of Seocheon's Pansori history, as well as a teenage singer who trains to become a mastersinger. The film revolves around a man who is a former rapper and currently taking pictures and recording sounds. He accidentally meets a teenage singer and makes a pansori-journey in Seocheon. Rapsori, starting with an interest in pansori, reaches the moment of excitement that rap and pansori go together, and that the boundary is blurred between the past and present, the East and West. (NAM Da-eun)


  • 김병일
    • 김병일
    • 김병일은 AFI에서 촬영 과정을 수료하였고, 다큐멘터리 < TINDERBOX >를 연출, 촬영하였다. 박찬욱 감독의 <복수는 나의 것>(2002), 이재용 감독의 <스캔들-조선남녀상열지사>(2003)를 촬영하였다.