On the Road, Khaosan Tango > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

On the Road, Khaosan Tango





Korea | 2020 | 98min | Color | Drama

Program Note

The film began with the book [On the Road, Khaosan Road], which director Kim Beomsam encountered by chance. After reading the book and visiting Thailand for the first time, he finally presents a film On the Road, Khaosan Tango, which he had been preparing for 10 years. A man obsessed with the past and a woman living the present, they all have a painful past and memories in the film, in which tango melody is being played always. Including Piazzolla's “Invierno Porteno,” The beautiful variations played by “La Ventana” comfort the characters with tango sensibility. Like “Invierno Porteno,” a story full of emotions like loss, joy, sadness, solitude and relaxation, the film weaves a narrative of emotion, relaxed against the sweet and bitter loss, in a beautiful exotic landscape. (MAENG Soo-jin)


  • 김범삼
    • 김범삼
    • 대학에서 법학을 전공했지만, 영화에 대한 꿈을 안고 대학원에 진학해 영화 연출과 이론을 공부했다. 졸업 이후에는 영화정책 분야에서 한국 영화 제작 환경 개선과 영화 다양성 확대를 위한 일들을 주로 해왔다. <카오산 탱고>(2020)는 그의 장편 데뷔작이다.