We Intend to Cause Havoc > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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We Intend to Cause Havoc





Italy, Czech Republic | 2019 | Asian | 89min | DCP | Color | Documentary

Program Note

Buena Vista Social Club (1999) was the first in a series of films about nameless musicians—many of whom went on to perform for audiences worldwide. Although the portrayal of Western influence as beneficial deserves criticism to a certain extent, it is difficult to ignore the joy of encountering musicians and culture that should be known in the wider world. We Intend to Cause Havoc introduces Zamrock, a popular trend of rock music that thrived in Jamaica in the 1970s. WITCH (an acronym for We Intend To Cause Havoc) were the most popular band during the Zamrock era. Now, with the band’s vocalist Jagari as their front man, they embark on a European tour. African music is known to have influenced rock, and therefore it is surprising to learn about the development of African music under the influence of Western psychedelic rock. (LEE Yong-cheol)


  • 지오 아를로따
    • 지오 아를로따
    • 이탈리아의 지오 아를로따 감독은 블로그 ‘Is Your Clam In a Jam?’를 통해 밀라노의 언더그라운드 록 밴드들의 공연을 촬영하는 DIY 비디오 프로젝트를 진행해왔다. 2014년, 아프리카 대륙 횡단 여행 중에 전설적인 잠비아 록 밴드 ‘WITCH’ 의 싱어 자가리와 만난 알로타는 영화감독이자 밴드 매니저가 되어 자가리의 삶과 음악을 세계에 알리는 일을 시작하게 된다.