ON-GAKU: Our Sound > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

ON-GAKU: Our Sound





Japan | 2019 | 71min | Color | Animation

Program Note

At the beginning, the film looks like a school life drama in which Kenji with weird fish-shaped eyes and his friends are at war with students from other schools. They seem to be pretty good at using their fists, but they are sloppy. They do not even know the location of the school they are going to fight in, and they get distracted by something else on the way. One day, Kenji accidentally got a guitar, and with his friends, he forms a band called “Kobujutsu” and participates in a rock festival. In a harmony of unique minimalist painting style, comical story and editing, clumsy and rough but primitive rock energy, and lyricism, this lovely animation film explodes the energy that has been accumulated so far in the ending scene. (MAENG Soo-jin)

*This film is not available to online screening.


  • 이와이사와 켄지
    • 이와이사와 켄지
    • 이와이사와 켄지 감독은 고교 졸업 후 이시이 테루오 감독의 문하생으로 영화계에 입문했다. 실사영화 제작기술을 배우면서 동시에 애니메이션 영화제작을 시도했다. 2008년 첫 애니메이션 작품 <터널 속 남자>을 완성하였으며, 이후 단편 작품들을 만들다가, 2012년 두 번째 장편 애니메이션 영화 <음악>을 제작하기 시작했다.