We Still Have the Deep Black Night > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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We Still Have the Deep Black Night





Brazil, Germany | 2019 | Asian | 98min | DCP | Color | Drama

Program Note

Living by playing rock music is like walking a thorny field. This is the case with Karen, who plays the trumpet in a Brazilian band. A band adding a trumpet to psychedelic punk rock. Only a few audiences come to their non-popular performances. The job having for a living is not conducive to her music, and she takes care of her family, including her sick grandfather. Karen goes to Berlin with her ex-boyfriend but returns alone with hard memories. And she learns that her colleagues have left for a normal life. The film asks what it means to play music in a time when rock died. Karen is 27 years old and too young to give up. In the passion for music, it encourages those who continue to music without giving up. (LEE Yong-cheol)


  • 구스타보 가우벙
    • 구스타보 가우벙
    • 구스타보 가우벙 감독은 브라질과 스페인에서 저널리즘과 영화 연출을 전공했으며, 2002년 입문한 이후 7편의 단편과 3편의 장편영화를 제작하면서 영화 연출뿐 아니라 시나리오작가와 프로듀서로도 왕성하게 활동해왔다. 실제 뮤지션들과 함께 작업한 <여전히 밤은 깊지만>(2019)은 여러 국제영화제에서 소개되었으며, 브라질리아 영화제에서 촬영상과 편집상을 수상했다.