Call UFO's > 영문_2023_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Call UFO's





Switzerland | 2022 | 17min | DCP | Color | Fiction | World Premiere


​ An alien music band traveling through outer space receives a signal from Atomica, a planet very similar to our own. Hearing only a mission to bring peace and love to the universe, the band heads to Atomica on the other side of the galaxy. But the welcome they receive is met with hostility, and the military and inhabitants don't like the aliens. After fending off various attacks, the aliens finally succeed in landing. Their psychedelic energy brings party and love to the planet. In the early morning, the ship leaves for another intergalactic adventure.

Program Note

​ The film was requested to be created by a music group called 'Allucinacorps.' It presents a captivating blend of science fiction and fantasy, unfolding through their mesmerizing performance, which takes the form of a grand carnival and playful spectacle. The characters, with their beautifully exaggerated personas, add even more unique charm to the film. The band member responsible for playing the drums and guitar took on multiple roles in the production, including screenwriting, set design, costume creation, and even composing the music. Through their artistic imagination, this music group offers a glimpse into a world where peace can be found, even in the realm of a short film. (Yoo Sunhee)


  • 막 다 춘하 로페즈 / Marc Da Cunha Lopes
    • Marc Da Cunha Lopes
    • Photographer and director Marc Da Cunha Lopes works mainly for advertising and his photographic work is marked by surrealism and fantasy. He started working on the Call UFO's project at the request of Jean-Pierre Vaufrey, who was looking for someone to put this very special universe into images. He will be in charge of the shooting with a reduced crew and the help of Matthias Bour on camera. He will also do the digital post-production of the film