Ready to Roll - Exterminator > 영문_2018_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Ready to Roll - Exterminator





Poland | 2017 | Asian | 117min | DCP | Color | Drama | Rock


A group of five devoted friends shared a great dream when they were kids - to rock the Polish metal scene and attract crowds to their concerts. All this under the flag of an ominously named band ‘Exterminator’. However, as time has shown, youthful ambitions are one thing, and life is another. However, one day, old memories return - the mayor turns out to be a great fan of Exterminator from the day. She promises to support the friends with a grant, as long as they manage to reactivate the band.


  • 미칼 로갈스키
    • 미칼 로갈스키
    • ​미칼 로갈스키는 로지영화학교를 졸업했고 바르샤바대학에서는 언론과 정치학을 전공했다. 2009년 <라스트 액션>으로 데뷔했고, 다음 작품인 <폴란드1943>(2014)은 캐나다의 몬트리올세계영화제에서 월드 프리미어로 선보였다.