Medium > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






Argentina | 2020 | 71min | DCP | Color, B&W | Documentary

Program Note

Margarita Fernandez is an Argentine pianist in her 90s. The film records her as a dignified active artist, instead of a pianist of the last years who recalls the glory of the past. The film throws attention to the wrinkled hands on the piano keys, the slow steps and the bright voices ringing on the stage, the friendly advice to young musicians, and the positive attitude towards experimental performance as well as classical music. As she looks at the camera, she remembers the past, talks about the many pieces she has played, and raises her hand over the piano keys and focuses on herself. At that time, we experience not only the trace of the art she has lived in, but also the power that makes her an “active artist.” (NAM Da-eun)


  • 에드가르도 코사린스키
    • 에드가르도 코사린스키
    • 에드가르도 코자린스키는 30년 동안 거주했던 파리를 떠나, 현재 고향인 부에노스아이레스에서 작업하며 살고 있다. 그는 픽션과 다큐멘터리의 경계에 위치한 작품들로 주목을 받아왔으며, 여러 언어로 번역된 장단편 소설들과 에세이로 문학적 업적을 인정받아 2018년 '가르시아 마르케스' 상을 받았다.