Bamboo Theatre > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Bamboo Theatre





Hong Kong | 2019 | 76min | DCP | Color | Documentary

Program Note

After the opening scene where a boat carrying bamboos crosses the water, we know what they are used for. The workers create a huge theater by weaving bamboos directly. In the theater built like that, a spectacular Beijing opera is performed for several days, and people enjoy festivals and rituals. On-and-behind-the-stage, in-and-out of the-theater, all become sacred and entertaining places, and there is a world that “entertains both God and the people,” as someone said in the film. The bamboo theater, which had been transported and built like that, was dismantled two months later and moved back to the next destination by ship. The film portrays the culture of a unique traditional theater that still continues in Hong Kong. (NAM Da-eun)


  • 척 청
    • 척 청
    • 영화사 '아-프리오리 이미지'의 공동설립자인 척청 감독은 홍콩에서 태어나 홍콩공연예술아카데미를 졸업했다. 그의 신작 다큐멘터리 <대나무로 엮은 경극장>은 제56회 금마장영화제에서 최우수 다큐멘터리상과 제39회 홍콩금상장영화제에서 신인감독상의 후보로 지명되었으며, 2019년에는 홍콩영화감독조합의 특별언급상을 수상했고, 홍콩영화비평가협회로부터 추천영화상을 받았다.