Well-Tempered > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






Korea | 2020 | World | 85min | DCP | Color | Drama

Program Note

She may have dreamed of a pianist at one time, but instead of sitting at the piano, she lives a normal life as an assistant in her alma mater. Through her often looking at and touching her hands, we can only guess that a trauma would have made her give up the pianist's future. Although she left the piano, she eventually hears the piano melody from the College of Music every day and sees students struggling to be a pianist. The sorrow, resentment, depression, and guilt accumulated in her heart seem to crush her small body. Could she escape from the present or get her dream back? Instead of the answer, the film gives us the last scene. (NAM Da-eun)


  • 손모아
    • 손모아
    • 손모아는 단국대 영화콘텐츠전문대학원에서 연출을 전공했다.
  • 안정연
    • 안정연
    • 안정연은 단국대 영화콘텐츠전문대학원에서 연출을 전공하였고, 단편 <여름의 출구>(2016)는 서울독립영화제, 여성인권영화제에서 상영하였다.