Cinema Paradiso > 영문_2020_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Cinema Paradiso





France, Italy | 1988 | 124min | Color | Drama

Program Note

My Encounter with Film Music​

When my wife and I first began dating, she, a cinephile, introduced me to the original soundtrack of Cinema Paradiso. “Love Theme” made me fall in love with Ennio Morricone’s music. It was around that time that I first became fascinated by film music. Up until then, I had been a staunch fan of jazz and rock music. Cinema Paradiso was my first encounter with film music.

My wife and I had been dating only for a short time, and she was supposed to move to the United States with her family. The only source of comfort in her absence was Morricone’s music. His music made me cry and then gently soothed and comforted me. I identified with Alfredo who missed Toto in a faraway place and wished only the best for his young friend.

To my surprise, I find that my film music is mostly based on the emotions I felt in those days. Perhaps, the strong impression that Cinema Paradiso left on me became the origin of my musical sensibilities. If my music sounds lyrical, melodious, sorrowful and nostalgic, it’s because of the comfort and healing that I’ve found in Morricone. (CHO Sung-woo)


  • 쥬세페 토르나토레
    • 쥬세페 토르나토레
    • 1956년 이탈리아 출생. 1985년 영화 <시칠리아의 소수민족>으로 데뷔했고, <시네마 천국>(1988)으로 칸영화제 심사위원 대상을 수상했다. <피아니스트의 전설>(1998), <말레나>(2000), <베스트 오퍼>(2013) 등 다수의 작품을 연출했다.